25 photos   2404 visits


Heyz!Deget <3

I`m Sandara Park of 2NE1 !!
Do you know me?

But im Dara XD
I have 27 years <3

I`m signer
And im born in Busan,Korea <3
I know me?No?
Put photo ,see again XD


Here Dara!
My me2day is busy :)
Talk to my evryday <3

say my your problem !
And ,i cant help!

But i`m Dara XD

We love 2NE1 XD

Give my signature ?
Its no problem XD
My signature just for you <3

Perfect Hello XD
Perfect Hello XD

Comments • 1

BrendaXoxo 18 September 2011  
Hi dear,Sandara
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